
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Trying Something New

After receiving so many emails, stories, and people wanting to share their blogs, I decided I would compile a list and do an introduction to individuals who have blogs that are related to what we are going through. The blogs will need to be something that pertains to PTSD,TBI, therapy of these issues, wounded warriors, sexual assault, parenting with PTSD and any issues that deal with what we are going through. If you are a soldier or veteran, even better! Many times, I learn more about my husband and his problems through other Veteran's stories.

I will be doing an intro on my blog and make a list for all of us. Many of the commentators have blogs themselves without knowing of the others. I thought it might be nice to compile and introduce ourselves. If you would like to be added, please comment below or send your email. The only thing I will list on here is Title of the blog, web address and what your blog is about. No need for names unless you just want me to state so. For those that I follow or follow me, please let me know if I may pass the information on. If I don't hear from you, I will email you individually and gain permission.

I thought this might be an online meet and greet among us PTSD bloggers!!!

Looking forward to it,

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Thank you for your blog. I'm guessing you found me through WWW on facebook or through a mutual blogging friend, because I see how much we have in common. Thank you for finding me. I'm greatly looking forward to getting to know you. If and when you would like a prayer partner for anything specific, shoot me a message or a comment. God bless you and your family.


I Would Love to Hear From Ya'll!